Welcome to PPODB,

this Plant-Phenological Online Database offers access to plant-phenological observations in Central Europe mainly Germany, from about 9000 stations, covering 130 years (1880-2009), comprising over 16 millions observations.
The PPODB offers a unique data source, where, for the first time, plant-phenological observations from 129 years are brought together in one consistent database. Moreover, sophisticated outlier detection methods and quality checks are applied.

There are two ways to access the data:
     1) In the SQL-interface we provide a full-fledged access to the complete database, allowing for highly flexible data retrieval via SQL-queries.
     2) Below, we provide a visualization and access to phenological time series via a geo-referenced interface, using google-maps. Here you can visualize and retrieve phenological time series for a single station or a Natural Region, depending on the chosen perspective.

In order to access phenological time series, please select a combination of plant type and perspective from the table below by clicking on the corresponding image:

plant type perspective
single stations Natural Regions
wild growing plants

At the moment available perspetives are:
 single stations: Here you can select single stations to analyze data.
 natural regions: Here you can select Natural Regions to analyze your data.

PPODB is optimized for Firefox and Google Chrome. You might have problems with Internet Explorer.