Student projects
We warmly welcome students wishing to pursue a Bachelor or Master thesis project, as well as student projects and student assistantships. We offer a wide variety of topics and methods with a focus on the interface between theoretical and experimental biology. Find out more about current projects and join us! Open student projects are listed below, when available. If there are no offers listed, please feel free to send a research proposal.
Everybody asks for explainable AI – you can contribute
Project for Bachelor or Master thesis
Everybody asks for explainable AI – you can contribute
Artificial intelligence and different approaches to machine learning and deep learning currently create a lot of hope and have proven successful in data sorting and pattern recognition. Here, we want to employ the principles of SciML
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Information transmission in cellular signaling
Project for Bachelor or Master thesis
Information transmission in cellular signaling
The main task of cellular signaling networks is to transmit and process information about ligands or other cues (e.g. physical stimuli) to cellular targets. These targets can be transcription factors that eventually regulate the expression of genes as response
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Spatial analysis of cellular signaling dynamics with agent-based modeling
Project for Bachelor or Master thesis
Spatial analysis of cellular signaling dynamics with agent-based modeling
Cellular components move restricted by the actual shape of the cell, which in turn influences dynamic interactions. We are interested in the dynamics of cell signaling and specifically the dynamics of kinase networks. Based on
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Relation between metabolic activity and cellular temperature regulation
Project for Bachelor or Master thesis
Relation between metabolic activity and cellular temperature regulation
Cellular heat and temperature is balanced through heat production, mainly through metabolic activity, and heat loss through conduction, convection, and evaporation. In turn, changes in temperature, either caused internally or imposed through external sources, affect metabolic
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Integration und dynamische Simulation von Signalnetzwerken in humanen Zellen
Projekt für Masterarbeit
Integration und dynamische Simulation von Signalnetzwerken in humanen Zellen
Wir suchen DICH! Bist du im Masterstudiengang Biophysik oder Bioinformatik, vielleicht auch Biologie – Mathematik – Physik und interessierst dich für die Verknüpfung von biologischen Fragestellungen mit mathematischer Modellierung und Programmierung, dann lies weiter! Wir suchen eine interessierte und motivierte
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MuSeqFISH: Yeast cell imaging, quantitative fluorescence analysis, and cell-cycle model parameterization
Possible as
Studienprojekt - 3 months, Bachelor - 3 months, Projektmodul - 6 months
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