Head of the Theoretical Biophysics group
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Research profile
Mathematical modelling of dynamic biological phenomena. The group is involved in multi-disciplinary research projects to understand cellular organization, cellular processes, stress response, and decision making. Using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as major model organism, we develop predictive models of various signalling pathways, metabolic pathways, cell cycle and the interaction of such pathways upon environmental changes. They closely collaborate with various experimental groups for iterative modelling and experimentation. The mathematical methods include ordinary and partial differential equations, Boolean and Bayesian networks, deterministic and stochastic simulations as well as various aspects of dynamic systems theory. They also develop computational tools for the processing of such models, including parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis and semantic assignments. Klipp is involved in various initiatives for standardization both of mathematical models and respective experimentation. She is founding member of the International Society of Systems Biology, member of several scientific advisory boards for systems biology consortia (Reactome, RoBust, Crisp), co-organizer of FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses in Systems Biology (2007, 2009), and PI in several European and national research consortia for systems biology.
Current position
October 2008 - | Full Professor for Theoretical Biophysics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HUB), Department of Biology |
2011 - | Spokesperson for the Research Training Group "Computational Systems Biology" |
2011 - |
DFG Liaison Professor of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Positions held
2007 - 2008 | Guest professorship for Theoretical Biophysics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology |
2006 - 2008 | Head of the Research Group "Computational Systems Biology", Max Planck Department for Molecular Genetics, Otto Warburg Laboratory |
2001 - 2006 | Group leader of the Junior Research Group "Kinetic Modeling", Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Department of Vertebrate Genomics, group of Prof. Hans Lehrach, and Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics (BCB) |
1997 - 2001 | Research scientist, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Theoretical Biophysics |
1996 - 1997 | Postdoc, Charité Berlin, Innovationskolleg Theoretical Biology, group of Prof. Hanspeter Herzel |
1994 - 1996 | Postdoc, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Theoretical Biophysics |
1990 - 1994 | PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) in Theoretical Biophysics: "Calculation of optimal kinetic parameters of enzymatic processes based on special reaction mechanisms". At Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Heinrich. |
1985 - 1990 | Study at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Diploma in Biophysics: "Berechnungen kinetischer Konstanten monomolekularer enzymatischer Reaktionen in den Zuständen maximaler Aktivität unter Berücksichtigung spezieller Reaktionsmechanismen". Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Heinrich. |
1983 | Abitur Heinrich-Hertz-Schule Berlin (Specialization Mathematics) |
2015 - 2016 | Caroline-von-Humboldt professorship, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2009 | Doctor honoris causa, Gothenburg University |
Work for scientific journals
2015 - | Editor of Current Opinion in Systems Biology |
November 2014 - | Associate Editor of Nature PJ Systems Biology and Applications |
Associate Editor of BioSystems | |
2012-2014 | Associate Editor of Biophysical Journal |
Associate Editor of FEBS Journal |
Membership in scientific advisory boards
2015 - | EMBL |
2013 - 2014 | Helmholtz Zentrum Munich |
2013 - 2014 | Virtual Liver Network Germany |
2011 - 2013 | BBSRC project (U.K.) "Crisp" |
2010 - 2012 | FRIAS Freiburg |
2008 - 2013 | BBSRC project (U.K.) "ROBust" |
2007 - | Reactome project (US NIH & EBI supported) |
2005 - 2008 | COSBICS project, EU FP6 |
R Heinrich, E Hoffmann and H G Holzhütter.
Calculation of kinetic parameters of a reversible enzymatic reaction in states of maximal activity.
Biomed. Biochim. Acta 49(8/9):891–902, 1990.
URLR Heinrich and E Hoffmann.
Kinetic parameters of enzymatic reactions in states of maximal activity; an evolutionary approach.
J. Theor. Biol. 151 (2):249–283, July 1991.
URLR Heinrich, E Klipp, A Stephani and T Wilhelm.
Evolutionary optimization of enzyme on the basis of kinetic and thermodynamic principles.
In E Gnaiger, F N Gellerich and M Wyss (eds.). What is Controlling Life? 50 Years after Erwin Schroedinger's What is Life? (Modern Trends in Biothermokinetics 3). Insbruck University Press, 1994, pages 99-102.T Wilhelm, E Hoffmann-Klipp and R Heinrich.
An evolutionary approach to enzyme kinetics: optimization of ordered mechanisms.
Bull. Math. Biol. 56 (1):65–106, January 1994.
URLE Klipp and R Heinrich.
Evolutionary optimization of enzyme kinetic parameters; effect of constraints.
J. Theor. Biol. 171 (3):309–323, December 1994.
URLE Klipp.
Evolutionary optimization of enzyme kinetic parameters.
J Biol. Syst. 3 (2):363–376, June 1995.
URLE Klipp.
Maximization of enzyme activity under consideration of various constraints.
In D N Ghista (ed.). Biomedical and Life Physics. Vieweg, 1996, pages 71-84.E Klipp and R Heinrich.
Kinetic optimization of multienzyme systems.
In H V Westerhoff, J L Snoep, F E Sluse, J E Wijker and B N Kholodenko (eds.). Biothermokinetics of the Living Cell. Biothermokinetic Press, 1996, pages 210-13.R Heinrich and E Klipp.
Control analysis of unbranched enzymatic chains in states of maximal activity.
J. Theor. Biol. 182 (3):243–252, October 1996.
URLR Heinrich, F Montero, E Klipp, T G Waddell and E Meléndez-Hevia.
Theoretical approaches to the evolutionary optimization of glycolysis. Thermodynamic and kinetic constraints.
Eur. J. Biochem. 243 (1/2):191–201, January 1997.
URLR Heinrich, F Montero, E Klipp, T G Waddell and E Melendez-Hevia.
Kinetic and thermodynamic constraints for the structural design of glycolysis.
Nonlinear Anal. 30 (3):1793–1804, December 1997.
URLE Klipp.
Relations between flux control coefficients and enzyme concentrations in states of minimized total amount of enzyme.
In C Larsson, I L Pahlman and L Gustafsson (eds.). BioThermoKinetics. In the Post Genomic Era. University, Chalmers Reproservice, 1998, pages 27-9.E Klipp and R Heinrich.
Competition for enzymes in metabolic pathways: implications for optimal distributions of enzyme concentrations and for the distribution of flux control.
BioSystems 54 (1/2):1–14, December 1999.
URLB M Bakker, H E Assmus, F Bruggeman, J R Haanstra, E Klipp and H Westerhoff.
Network-based selectivity of antiparasitic inhibitors.
Molecular biology reports 29 (1/2):1–5, 2002.
URLE Klipp, R Heinrich and H-G Holzhütter.
Prediction of temporal gene expression. Metabolic opimization by re-distribution of enzyme activities.
Eur. J. Biochem. 269 (22):5406–5413, November 2002.
URLJ Hakenberg, S Schmeier, A Kowald, E Klipp and U Leser.
Finding kinetic parameters using text mining.
OMICS J. Integrat. Biol. 8 (2):131–152, 2004.
URLE Klipp, W Liebermeister and C Wierling.
Inferring dynamic properties of biochemical reaction networks from structural knowledge.
Genome Inform. 15 (1):125–137, 2004.
URLE Klipp, B Nordlander, B Kofahl and S Hohmann.
Shutting the MAP off–and on again?.
Curr. Genomics 5 (8):637-647, 2004.
URLW Liebermeister, E Klipp, S Schuster and R Heinrich.
A theory of optimal differential gene expression.
BioSystems 76 (1/3):261–278, 2004.
URLA Kowald and E Klipp.
Alternative pathways might mediate toxicity of high concentrations of superoxide dismutase.
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1019:370–374, June 2004.
URLB Kofahl and E Klipp.
Modelling the dynamics of the yeast pheromone pathway.
Yeast 21 (10):831–850, July 2004.
URLE Klipp and S Hohmann.
Simulation von Lebensprozessen.
BIOForum 28 (10):60–61, 2005.B Nordlander, E Klipp, B Kofahl and S Hohmann.
Modelling signalling pathways –a yeast approach.
In L Alberghina and H V Westerhoff (eds.). Systems Biology. Definitions and Perspectives (Topics Curr. Gen. 13). Springer, 2005, pages 277-302.
URLE Klipp, B Nordlander, R Krüger, P Gennemark and S Hohmann.
Integrative model of the response of yeast to osmotic shock.
Nat. Biotechnol. 23 (8):975–982, August 2005.
URLW Liebermeister, U Baur and E Klipp.
Biochemical network models simplified by balanced truncation.
FEBS J. 272 (16):4034–4043, August 2005.
URLW Liebermeister and E Klipp.
Biochemical networks with uncertain parameters.
IEE Proc. Syst. Biol. 152 (3):97–107, September 2005.
URLN Le Novère, A Finney, M Hucka, U S Bhalla, F Campagne, J Collado-Vides, E J Crampin, M Halstead, E Klipp, P Mendes, P Nielsen, H Sauro, B Shapiro, J L Snoep, H D Spence and B L Wanner.
Minimum information requested in the annotation of biochemical models (MIRIAM).
Nat. Biotechnol. 23 (12):1509–1515, December 2005.
URLS Borger, W Liebermeister and E Klipp.
Prediction of enzyme kinetic parameters based on statistical learning.
Genome Inform. 17 (1):80–87, 2006.
URLE Klipp and J Schaber.
Modelling of signal transduction in yeast –Sensitivity and model analysis.
In M Cánovas, J L Iborra and Arturo Manjón (eds.). Understanding and Exploiting Systems Biology in Bioprocesses and Biomedicine. Fundación CajaMurcia, 2006, pages 15-30.
URLM Schulz, J Uhlendorf, E Klipp and W Liebermeister.
SBMLmerge, a system for combining biochemical network models.
Genome Inform. 17 (1):62–71, 2006.
URLS Schuster, E Klipp and M Marhl.
The predictive power of molecular network modelling –case studies of predictions with subsequent experimental verification.
In F Eisenhaber (ed.). Discovering Biomolecular Mechanisms with Computational Biology. Landes Bioscience, Georgetown and Springer, 2006, pages 95-106.
URLA Kowald, H Lehrach and E Klipp.
Alternative pathways as mechanism for the negative effects associated with overexpression of superoxide dismutase.
J. Theor. Biol. 238 (4):828–840, February 2006.
URLJ Schaber, B Kofahl, A Kowald and E Klipp.
A modelling approach to quantify dynamic crosstalk between the pheromone and the starvation pathway in baker's yeast.
FEBS J. 273 (15):3520–3533, August 2006.
URLE Klipp and W Liebermeister.
Mathematical modeling of intracellular signaling pathways.
BMC Neurosci. 7 (Suppl 1):S10, October 2006.
URLZ Zi and E Klipp.
SBML-PET: a Systems Biology Markup Language-based parameter estimation tool.
Bioinformatics 22 (21):2704–2705, November 2006.
URLW Liebermeister and E Klipp.
Bringing metabolic networks to life: convenience rate law and thermodynamic constraints.
Theor. Biol. Med. Model. 3:41, December 2006.
URLW Liebermeister and E Klipp.
Bringing metabolic networks to life: integration of kinetic, metabolic, and proteomic data.
Theor. Biol. Med. Model. 3:42, December 2006.
URLM Barberis and E Klipp.
Insights into the network controlling the G1/S transition in budding yeast.
Genome Inform. 18:85–99, 2007.
URLM Barberis, E Klipp, M Vanoni and L Alberghina.
Modeling of the G(1)/S transition in yeast cell cycle.
FEBS J. 274 (Suppl. S1):248, 2007.
URLS Borger, W Liebermeister, J Uhlendorf and E Klipp.
Automatically generated model of a metabolic network.
Genome Inform. 18:215–224, 2007.
URLE Klipp.
Modeling of yeast cell stress response.
FEBS J. 274 (Suppl. s1):53, 2007.
URLC Kühn, A Kühn, A J Poustka and E Klipp.
Modeling development: spikes of the sea urchin.
Genome Inform. 18:75–84, 2007.
URLZ Zi and E Klipp.
Steady state analysis of signal response in receptor trafficking networks.
Genome Inform. 18:100–108, 2007.
URLM Barberis, E Klipp, M Vanoni and L Alberghina.
Cell size at S phase initiation: an emergent property of the G1/S network.
PLoS Comput. Biol. 3 (4):e64, April 2007.
URLE Klipp, W Liebermeister, A Helbig, A Kowald and J Schaber.
Systems biology standards -the community speaks.
Nat. Biotechnol. 25 (4):390–391, April 2007.
URLZ Zi and E Klipp.
Constraint-based modeling and kinetic analysis of the Smad dependent TGF-β signaling pathway.
PLoS ONE 2 (9):e936, September 2007.
URLZ Zi and E Klipp.
Cellular signaling is potentially regulated by cell density in receptor trafficking networks.
FEBS Lett. 581 (24):4589–4595, October 2007.
URLE Klipp.
Modelling dynamic processes in yeast.
Yeast 24 (11):943–959, November 2007.
URLM Ralser, M M Wamelink, A Kowald, B Gerisch, G Heeren, E A Struys, E Klipp, C Jakobs, M Breitenbach, H Lehrach and S Krobitsch.
Dynamic rerouting of the carbohydrate flux is key to counteracting oxidative stress.
J. Biol. 6 (4):10, December 2007.
URLM Barberis and E Klipp.
Sic1 can regulate the fundamental events in the budding yeast cell cycle.
FEBS J. 275 (Suppl. s1):441, 2008.
URLJ Bruck, W Liebermeister and E Klipp.
Exploring the effect of variable enzyme concentrations in a kinetic model of yeast glycolysis.
Genome Inform. 20:1–14, 2008.
URLM Cvijovic, H Soueidan, D J Sherman, E Klipp and M Nikolski.
Exploratory simulation of cell ageing using hierarchical models.
Genome Inform. 21:114–125, 2008.
URLM Flöttmann, J Schaber, S Hoops, E Klipp and P Mendes.
ModelMage: a tool for automatic model generation, selection and management.
Genome Inform. 20:52–63, 2008.
URLE Klipp and J Schaber.
Modeling the dynamics of stress activated protein kinases (SAPK) in cellular stress response.
In F Posas and A R Nebreda (eds.). Stress-Activated Protein Kinases (Topics Curr. Gen. 20). Springer, 2008, pages 205–224.
URLC Kühn, E Petelenz, B Nordlander, J Schaber, S Hohmann and E Klipp.
Exploring the impact of osmoadaptation on glycolysis using time-varying response-coefficients.
Genome Inform. 20:77–90, 2008.
URLJ Schaber and E Klipp.
Short-term volume and turgor regulation in yeast.
Essays Biochem. 45:147–160, 2008.
URLS Gerber, H Aßmus, B Bakker and E Klipp.
Drug-efficacy depends on the inhibitor type and the target position in a metabolic network –A systematic study.
J. Theor. Biol. 252 (3):442–455, June 2008.
URLZ Zi, Y Zheng, A E Rundell and E Klipp.
SBML-SAT: a systems biology markup language (SBML) based sensitivity analysis tool.
BMC Bioinform. 9:342, August 2008.
URLM J Herrgård, N Swainston, P Dobson, W B Dunn, K Y Arga, M Arvas, N Blüthgen, S Borger, R Costenoble, M Heinemann, M Hucka, N Le Novère, P Li, W Liebermeister, M L Mo, A P Oliveira, D Petranovic, S Pettifer, E Simeonidis, K Smallbone, I Spasić, D Weichart, R Brent, D S Broomhead, H V Westerhoff, B Kirdar, M Penttilä, E Klipp, B Ø Palsson, U Sauer, S G Oliver, P Mendes, J Nielsen and D B Kell.
A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology.
Nat. Biotechnol. 26 (10):1155–1160, October 2008.
URLN Erjavec, M Cvijovic, E Klipp and T Nyström.
Selective benefits of damage partitioning in unicellular systems and its effects on aging.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105 (48):18764–18769, December 2008.
URLM Krantz, D Ahmadpour, L-G Ottosson, J Warringer, C Waltermann, B Nordlander, E Klipp, A Blomberg, St Hohmann and H Kitano.
Robustness and fragility in the yeast high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) signal-transduction pathway.
Mol. Syst. Biol. 5:281, 2009.
URLJ Schaber, W Liebermeister and E Klipp.
Nested uncertainties in biochemical models.
IET Syst. Biol. 3 (1):1–9, January 2009.
URLT W Spiesser, E Klipp and M Barberis.
A model for the spatiotemporal organization of DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Mol. Genet. Genomics 282 (1):25–35, July 2009.
URLC Kühn, C Wierling, A Kühn, E Klipp, G Panopoulou, H Lehrach and A J Poustka.
Monte Carlo analysis of an ODE model of the sea urchin endomesoderm network.
BMC Syst. Biol. 3:83, August 2009.
URLR Alfieri, M Barberis, F Chiaradonna, D Gaglio, L Milanesi, M Vanoni, E Klipp and L Alberghina.
Towards a systems biology approach to mammalian cell cycle: modeling the entrance into S phase of quiescent fibroblasts after serum stimulation.
BMC Bioinform. 10 (Suppl 12):S16, October 2009.
URLM Schulz, B M Bakker and E Klipp.
TIde: a software for the systematic scanning of drug targets in kinetic network models.
BMC Bioinform. 10:344, October 2009.
URLE Klipp.
Timing matters.
FEBS Lett. 583 (24):4013–4018, December 2009.
URLS Gerber, G Hasenbrink, W Hendriksen, P Van Heusden, J Ludwig, E Klipp and H Lichtenberg-Fraté.
Graphical analysis and experimental evaluation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae PTRK1|2 and PBMH1|2 promoter region.
Genome Inform. 22:11–20, January 2010.
URLC Kühn, K V S Prasad, E Klipp and P Gennemark.
Formal representation of the high osmolarity glycerol pathway in yeast.
Genome Inform. 22:69–83, 2010.
URLJ Schaber, M A Adrover, E Eriksson, S Pelet, E Petelenz-Kurdziel, D Klein, F Posas, M Goksör, M Peter, S Hohmann and E Klipp.
Biophysical properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their relationship with HOG pathway activation..
Eur. Biophys. J. 39 (11):1547–1556, 2010.
URLSchulz M. and E Klipp.
Introduction to systems biology.
In F Tretter, G Winterer, P J Gebicke-Haerter and E R Mendoza (eds.). Systems Biology in Psychiatric Research. From High-Throughput Data to Mathematical Modeling. Wiley-VCH, 2010, pages 81-96.
URLS Stoma and E Klipp.
Spatio-temporal simulation environment: a microscopy image based modelization framework.
Microsc. Microanal. 16 (Suppl. S2):734–735, 2010.
URLF Krause, J Uhlendorf, T Lubitz, M Schulz, E Klipp and W Liebermeister.
Annotation and merging of SBML models with semanticSBML.
Bioinformatics 26 (3):421–422, February 2010.
URLZ Zi, W Liebermeister and E Klipp.
A quantitative study of the Hog1 MAPK response to fluctuating osmotic stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
PLoS ONE 5 (3):e9522, March 2010.
URLT W Spiesser, C Diener, M Barberis and E Klipp.
What influences DNA replication rate in budding yeast?.
PLoS ONE 5 (4):e10203, April 2010.
URLM Barberis, T W Spiesser and E Klipp.
Replication origins and timing of temporal replication in budding yeast: how to solve the conundrum?.
Curr. Genomics 11 (3):199–211, May 2010.
URLW Liebermeister, J Uhlendorf and E Klipp.
Modular rate laws for enzymatic reactions: thermodynamics, elasticities and implementation.
Bioinformatics 26 (12):1528–1534, June 2010.
URLF Podo, L M C Buydens, H Degani, R Hilhorst, E Klipp, I S Gribbestad, S Van Huffel, H W M Van Laarhoven, J Luts, D Monleon, G J Postma, N Schneiderhan-Marra, F Santoro, H Wouters, H G Russnes, T Sørlie, E Tagliabue and A-L Børresen-Dale (for the FEMME Consortium).
Triple-negative breast cancer: present challenges and new perspectives.
Mol. Oncol. 4 (3):209–229, June 2010.
URLE Klipp, R C Wade and U Kummer.
Biochemical network-based drug-target prediction.
Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 21 (4):511–516, August 2010.
URLC Waltermann and E Klipp.
Signal integration in budding yeast.
Biochem. Soc. Trans. 38 (5):1257–1264, October 2010.
URLT Lubitz, M Schulz, E Klipp and W Liebermeister.
Parameter balancing in kinetic models of cell metabolism.
J Phys. Chem. B 114 (49):16298–16303, December 2010.
URLP Kahlem, A DiCara, M Durot, J M Hancock, E Klipp, V Schächter, E Segal, I Xenarios, Birney E and L Mendoza.
Strengths and weaknesses of selected modeling methods used in systems biology.
In N-S Yang (ed.). Systems and Computational Biology–Bioinformatics and Computational Modeling. InTech Open Access Publisher, 2011, pages 77-98.
URLE Klipp.
Computational yeast systems biology: a case study for the MAP kinase cascade.
In J I Castrillo and S G Oliver (eds.). Yeast Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols (Meth. Mol. Biol. 759). Humana Press, 2011, pages 323–343.
URL, DOIN Mah, Y Wang, M-C Liao, A Prigione, J Jozefczuk, B Lichtner, K Wolfrum, M Haltmeier, M Flöttmann, M Schaefer, A Hahn, R Mrowka, E Klipp, M A Andrade-Navarro and J Adjaye.
Molecular insights into reprogramming-initiation events mediated by the OSKM gene regulatory network.
PLoS ONE 6 (8):e24351, 2011.
URLTyc K M and E Klipp.
Modeling dissemination of pathogenic fungi within a host: a cartoon for the interactions of two complex systems.
J. Comp. Sci. Syst. Biol. S1:001, 2011.
URLJ Schaber and E Klipp.
Model-based inference of biochemical parameters and dynamic properties of microbial signal transduction networks.
Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 22 (1):109–116, February 2011.
URLJ Schaber, M Flöttmann, J Li, C-F Tiger, S Hohmann and E Klipp.
Automated ensemble modeling with modelMaGe: analyzing feedback mechanisms in the Sho1 branch of the HOG pathway.
PLoS ONE 6 (3):e14791, March 2011.
URLS Stoma, M Fröhlich, S Gerber and E Klipp.
STSE: spatio-temporal simulation environment dedicated to biology.
BMC Bioinform. 12:126, April 2011.
URLD Waltemath, R Adams, D A Beard, F T Bergmann, U S Bhalla, R Britten, V Chelliah, M T Cooling, J Cooper, E J Crampin, A Garny, S Hoops, M Hucka, P Hunter, E Klipp, C Laibe, A K Miller, I Moraru, D Nickerson, P Nielsen, M Nikolski, S Sahle, H M Sauro, H Schmidt, J L Snoep, D Tolle, O Wolkenhauer and N Le Novère.
Minimum information about a simulation experiment (MIASE).
PLoS Comput. Biol. 7 (4):e1001122, April 2011.
URLZ Zi, Z Feng, D A Chapnick, M Dahl, D Deng, E Klipp, A Moustakas and X Liu.
Quantitative analysis of transient and sustained transforming growth factor-β signaling dynamics.
Mol. Syst. Biol. 7:492, May 2011.
URLM Schulz, F Krause, N Le Novère, E Klipp and W Liebermeister.
Retrieval, alignment, and clustering of computational models based on semantic annotations.
Mol. Syst. Biol. 7:512, July 2011.
URLM À Adrover, Z Zi, A Duch, J Schaber, A González-Novo, J Jimenez, M Nadal-Ribelles, J Clotet, E Klipp and F Posas.
Time-dependent quantitative multicomponent control of the G₁-S network by the stress-activated protein kinase Hog1 upon osmostress.
Sci. Signal. 4 (192):ra63, September 2011.
URLM Barberis, C Beck, A Amoussouvi, G Schreiber, C Diener, A Herrmann and E Klipp.
A low number of SIC1 mRNA molecules ensures a low noise level in cell cycle progression of budding yeast.
Mol. Biosyst. 7 (10):2804–2812, October 2011.
URLC Waltermann and E Klipp.
Information theory based approaches to cellular signaling.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1810 (10):924–932, October 2011.
URLM Barberis, C Linke, M À Adrover, A González-Novo, H Lehrach, S Krobitsch, F Posas and E Klipp.
Sic1 plays a role in timing and oscillatory behaviour of B-type cyclins.
Biotechnol. Adv. 30 (1):108–130, 2012.
URLM Floettmann, T Scharp and E Klipp.
Computational modeling of biochemical processes and cell differentiation.
In M K Stachowiak and E S Tzanakakis (eds.). Stem Cells. From Mechanisms to Technologies. World Scientific, 2012, pages 3-29.
URLM Flöttmann, T Scharp and E Klipp.
A stochastic model of epigenetic dynamics in somatic cell reprogramming.
Front. Physiol. 3:216, 2012.
URLM Hoffman-Sommer, A Supady and E Klipp.
Cell-to-cell communication circuits: quantitative analysis of synthetic logic gates.
Front. Physiol. 3:287, 2012.
URLC Kühn and E Klipp.
Zooming in on yeast osmoadaptation.
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 736:293–310, 2012.
URLM D Leach, K M Tyc, A J P Brown and E Klipp.
Modelling the regulation of thermal adaptation in Candida albicans, a major fungal pathogen of humans.
PLoS ONE 7 (3):e32467, 2012.
URLPierre Nicolas, Ulrike Mäder, Etienne Dervyn, Tatiana Rochat, Aurélie Leduc, Nathalie Pigeonneau, Elena Bidnenko, Elodie Marchadier, Mark Hoebeke, Stéphane Aymerich, Dörte Becher, Paola Bisicchia, Eric Botella, Olivier Delumeau, Geoff Doherty, Emma L Denham, Mark J Fogg, Vincent Fromion, Anne Goelzer, Annette Hansen, Elisabeth Härtig, Colin R Harwood, Georg Homuth, Hanne Jarmer, Matthieu Jules, Edda Klipp, Ludovic Le Chat, François Lecointe, Peter Lewis, Wolfram Liebermeister, Anika March, Ruben A T Mars, Priyanka Nannapaneni, David Noone, Susanne Pohl, Bernd Rinn, Frank Rügheimer, Praveen K Sappa, Franck Samson, Marc Schaffer, Benno Schwikowski, Leif Steil, Jörg Stülke, Thomas Wiegert, Kevin M Devine, Anthony J Wilkinson, Jan Maarten Dijl, Michael Hecker, Uwe Völker, Philippe Bessières and Philippe Noirot.
Condition-Dependent Transcriptome Reveals High-Level Regulatory Architecture in Bacillus subtilis.
Science 335(6072):1103-1106, 2012.
URL, DOIF Rubelt, V Sievert, F Knaust, C Diener, T S Lim, K Skriner, E Klipp, R Reinhardt, H Lehrach and Z Konthur.
Onset of immune senescence defined by unbiased pyrosequencing of human immunoglobulin mRNA repertoires.
PLoS ONE 7 (11):e49774, 2012.
URLJ Schaber, R Baltanas, A Bush, E Klipp and A Colman-Lerner.
Modelling reveals novel roles of two parallel signalling pathways and homeostatic feedbacks in yeast.
Mol. Syst. Biol. 8:622, 2012.
URLM Schulz, E Klipp and W Liebermeister.
Propagating semantic information in biochemical network models.
BMC Bioinform. 13:18, January 2012.
URLT Handorf and E Klipp.
Modeling mechanistic biological networks: an advanced Boolean approach.
Bioinformatics 28 (4):557–563, February 2012.
URLG Schreiber, M Barberis, S Scolari, C Klaus, A Herrmann and E Klipp.
Unraveling interactions of cell cycle-regulating proteins Sic1 and B-type cyclins in living yeast cells: a FLIM-FRET approach.
FASEB J. 26 (2):546–554, February 2012.
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A transcriptome-wide analysis deciphers distinct roles of G1 cyclins in temporal organization of the yeast cell cycle.
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Signaling pathways in context.
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Moonlighting proteins -an approach to systematize the concept..
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Chemical Reaction Networks Possess Intrinsic, Temperature-Dependent Functionality..
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Geospatial precision simulations of community confined human interactions during SARS-CoV-2 transmission reveals bimodal intervention outcomes.
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Moonlighting proteins -an approach to systematize the concept..
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Publisher Correction: MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing.
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MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing..
March 2020.Kristin Habermann, Bhavika Tiwari, Maria Krantz, Stephan O Adler, Edda Klipp, Asif M Arif and Wolfgang Frank.
Identification of small non-coding RNAs responsive to GUN1 and GUN5 related retrograde signals in Arabidopsis thaliana..
The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology 104:138-155, September 2020.Maria Krantz, Julia Legen, Yang Gao, Reimo Zoschke, Christian Schmitz-Linneweber and Edda Klipp.
Modeling indicates degradation of mRNA and protein as a potential regulation mechanisms during cold acclimation.
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Loss of hepatic Mboat7 leads to liver fibrosis.
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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease stratification by liver lipidomics.
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Acclimation in plants -the Green Hub consortium..
The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology 106:23-40, April 2021.Jorin Diemer, Jens Hahn, Björn Goldenbogen, Karin Müller and Edda Klipp.
Sperm migration in the genital tract—In silico experiments identify key factors for reproductive success.
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URL, DOIMartin Seeger, James Longden, Edda Klipp and Rune Linding.
Deep Hidden Physics Modeling of Cell Signaling Networks..
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Control of COVID-19 Outbreaks under Stochastic Community Dynamics, Bimodality, or Limited Vaccination.
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URL, DOIUlrike Münzner, Tomoya Mori, Marcus Krantz, Edda Klipp and Tatsuya Akutsu.
Identification of periodic attractors in Boolean networks using a priori information.
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URL, DOIStephan O Adler, Thomas W Spiesser, Friedemann Uschner, Ulrike Münzner, Jens Hahn, Marcus Krantz and Edda Klipp.
A yeast cell cycle model integrating stress, signaling, and physiology..
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kboolnet: a toolkit for the verification, validation, and visualization of reaction-contingency (rxncon) models.
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Limitation of sucrose biosynthesis shapes carbon partitioning during plant cold acclimation.
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A dynamical stochastic model of yeast translation across the cell cycle.
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URL, DOIAntoni Kowalski, Cristine Betzer, Sigrid Thirup Larsen, Emil Gregersen, Estella A Newcombe, Montaña Caballero Bermejo, Viktor Wisniewski Bendtsen, Jorin Diemer, Christina V Ernstsen, Shweta Jain, Alicia Espiña Bou, Annette Eva Langkilde, Lene N Nejsum, Edda Klipp, Robert Edwards, Birthe B Kragelund, Poul Henning Jensen and Poul Nissen.
Monomeric α-synuclein activates the plasma membrane calcium pump..
The EMBO journal 42:e111122, December 2023.Katja Tummler and Edda Klipp.
Data integration strategies for whole-cell modeling..
FEMS yeast research 24, January 2024.Pattarawan Intasian, Chalermroj Sutthaphirom, Oliver Bodeit, Duangthip Trisrivirat, Ninlapan Kimprasoot, Juthamas Jaroensuk, Barbara Bakker, Edda Klipp and Pimchai Chaiyen.
Enhancement of essential cofactors for in vivo biocatalysis..
Faraday discussions, June 2024.