Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Edda Klipp

Head of the Theoretical Biophysics group

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phone: +49 30 2093 98242

room: 516/517


Research profile

Mathematical modelling of dynamic biological phenomena. The group is involved in multi-disciplinary research projects to understand cellular organization, cellular processes, stress response, and decision making. Using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as major model organism, we develop predictive models of various signalling pathways, metabolic pathways, cell cycle and the interaction of such pathways upon environmental changes. They closely collaborate with various experimental groups for iterative modelling and experimentation. The mathematical methods include ordinary and partial differential equations, Boolean and Bayesian networks, deterministic and stochastic simulations as well as various aspects of dynamic systems theory. They also develop computational tools for the processing of such models, including parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis and semantic assignments. Klipp is involved in various initiatives for standardization both of mathematical models and respective experimentation. She is founding member of the International Society of Systems Biology, member of several scientific advisory boards for systems biology consortia (Reactome, RoBust, Crisp), co-organizer of FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses in Systems Biology (2007, 2009), and PI in several European and national research consortia for systems biology.


Current position

October 2008 - Full Professor for Theoretical Biophysics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HUB), Department of Biology
2011 - Spokesperson for the Research Training Group "Computational Systems Biology"
2011 -

DFG Liaison Professor of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Positions held

2007 - 2008 Guest professorship for Theoretical Biophysics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology
2006 - 2008 Head of the Research Group "Computational Systems Biology", Max Planck Department for Molecular Genetics, Otto Warburg Laboratory
2001 - 2006 Group leader of the Junior Research Group "Kinetic Modeling", Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Department of Vertebrate Genomics, group of Prof. Hans Lehrach, and Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics (BCB)
1997 - 2001 Research scientist, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Theoretical Biophysics
1996 - 1997 Postdoc, Charité Berlin, Innovationskolleg Theoretical Biology, group of Prof. Hanspeter Herzel
1994 - 1996 Postdoc, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Theoretical Biophysics



1990 - 1994 PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) in Theoretical Biophysics: "Calculation of optimal kinetic parameters of enzymatic processes based on special reaction mechanisms". At Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Heinrich.
1985 - 1990 Study at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Diploma in Biophysics: "Berechnungen kinetischer Konstanten monomolekularer enzymatischer Reaktionen in den Zuständen maximaler Aktivität unter Berücksichtigung spezieller Reaktionsmechanismen". Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Heinrich.
1983 Abitur Heinrich-Hertz-Schule Berlin (Specialization Mathematics)



2015 - 2016 Caroline-von-Humboldt professorship, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2009 Doctor honoris causa, Gothenburg University


Work for scientific journals

2015 - Editor of Current Opinion in Systems Biology
November 2014 - Associate Editor of Nature PJ Systems Biology and Applications
  Associate Editor of BioSystems
2012-2014 Associate Editor of Biophysical Journal
  Associate Editor of FEBS Journal


 Membership in scientific advisory boards

2015 - EMBL
2013 - 2014 Helmholtz Zentrum Munich
2013 - 2014 Virtual Liver Network Germany
2011 - 2013 BBSRC project (U.K.) "Crisp"
2010 - 2012 FRIAS Freiburg
2008 - 2013 BBSRC project (U.K.) "ROBust"
2007 - Reactome project (US NIH & EBI supported)
2005 - 2008 COSBICS project, EU FP6




Information for students

Winter semester 2024/2025

Winter semester 2024/2025

We offer courses for bachelor and master students in the field of biophysics. Here you can find information and materials for the current semester. Read More
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Research topics

Research topics

Find out about our main research interests and individual projects here. Read More
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Most recent publications

  1. Pattarawan Intasian, Chalermroj Sutthaphirom, Oliver Bodeit, Duangthip Trisrivirat, Ninlapan Kimprasoot, Juthamas Jaroensuk, Barbara Bakker, Edda Klipp and Pimchai Chaiyen.
    Enhancement of essential cofactors for in vivo biocatalysis..
    Faraday discussions, June 2024.

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Current openings and projects

Integration und dynamische Simulation von Signalnetzwerken in humanen Zellen

Projekt für Masterarbeit

Integration und dynamische Simulation von Signalnetzwerken in humanen Zellen

Wir suchen

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute of Biology,
Theoretical Biophysics, 10099 Berlin, Germany